1·For a marriage, parents talk to each other, discuss dowry and fix schedule of the marriage. Villagers and family relations get the feast, and a new married couple comes into existence.
2·If you are behind schedule and a test case breaks, you must fix it quickly or it will become a mere sparkle in the history of your development effort.
3·As with the interim fix application process described earlier, you can optionally schedule the service level upgrade to be applied at a future time.
4·Schedule and apply fix packs on a regular basis.
5·The test team receives an updated build with TestCaseB fix in time for that area testing, without slowing progress on their test schedule.
6·To stay on schedule, your developers must work weekends and extra hours for extended periods, because they are the only ones who can continue new feature development and fix defects in this area.
7·Fix: While there's no quick fix for CFS or fibromyalgia, patients often benefit from changing their daily schedule, learning better sleep habits, and starting a gentle exercise program.
8·However, you can schedule the application of the fix for a future time by selecting schedule service and providing a date and time for the fix to be applied (Figure 4), then click OK.
然而,通过选择schedule service并为将要应用的补丁提供一个日期和时间,可以将补丁的应用安排在未来的某个时候(图4),然后单击ok。
9·Let's fix a sightseeing schedule for the vacation.
10·It was fun, I tell you. By the way, let's fix a sightseeing schedule for next week.